Saturday, April 22, 2023

De Blog is Done! Long Live de Blog!

So here it is, April 2023.  We survived COVID!  We kept Pratique in the water through Autumn 22/Winter23, cruising the Low Country that is Savannah GA to Charleston SC.  In February we hauled Pratique in Charleston, and in the late Spring we will re-launch, get her back to New England, and sail with the Salty Dawg Sailing Association's Maritime Rally to Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.  After that, who knows???? We moved from Providence RI to Wakefield, so maybe future sailing out of Pt Judith Pond for us.  A bit of skiing here and there, gardening and landscaping, and maybe a dog?  Hang with friends and family?  Start to go out to dinner now that the "Viral Load" is low??

There won't be anymore posts on "Outbound on Pratique" after this one.  I heard of an app called "Insta-something" and people say that is the way to go.  Maybe I will try it!😂😂😂